Live Fish Food
Select from aquacultured live fish food for your aquarium fish
PhytoPaste Range
Save Time and Money with Phytoplaste - Feed Your Corals, Invertebrates and Micro-organisms Without the Hassle of Culturing Phyto at Home
PhytoPaste - NANNO
AQUABYTES Exclusive Feed
From FD-Range, MacroBoost and More - Shop from the best dried fish food available in Australia - Popular with breeders and show fish
The Story Behind Aquabytes
Aquabytes started off as a small hobby by supplying close dedicated fish breeders with clean live foods for their newly born fish fry. As our reputation for high-quality grew amongst the aquarium community, we began supplying to aquariums across Sydney and eventually expanded to supply to all over Australia.
We are solely dedicated to providing high-quality fish feed for freshwater, marine, and coldwater species. Our unique indoor grow facility allows us to constantly monitor product quality in a temperature stable and pest-free environment.
From the production of live foods we regularly harvest and even process them as part of our dried feed collection alongside any eggs for hatching by our customers.